Played green cards then got to jail

from BANG! to last Beer

Moderátoři: lucabil, Suzy Lafayette

Příspěvky: 1
Registrován: 20 čer 2011, 17:00

Played green cards then got to jail

Příspěvek od tsuick »

Hey, may I ask you a situation that when I played some green-bordered cards from my hands and then I got jailed before my next turn, what is the fate of my green-cards ?

As all of you knows that Jail always skips the drawing phase and playing phase of players but the green-cards are out of my hand that I didn't "played" them from my hand. Can I still use them or can just discard them?
Given that I have pepperbox and canteen already on the desk.
Příspěvky: 61
Registrován: 10 led 2011, 06:35

Re: Played green cards then got to jail

Příspěvek od martinpulido »

You keep your green cards. Green cards are first played, and then are "used." After your turn, you can use the green cards (there are some different edition rules here I know, but most claim this). So with the defensive green cards (Sombrero, Iron Plate, Ten Gallon Hat, Bible) they can be used at the beginning of the next player's turn if you are shot at. The offensive and miscellaneous green cards (Derringer, Pepperbox, Buffalo Rifle, Canteen, Can Can, Conestoga, Pony Express, etc.) can be used on (and after) your next turn. You do not have to use them your next turn (as you seem to imply in your post). Rather, they are activated for use on your next turn. They can be used anytime after that activation, but once used, they are discarded. Thus, being Jailed does not force any discard of the cards; you simply cannot use them since your turn is lost. Does that make sense?