andSniper - During your turn, you may discard 2 BANG! cards together and target a player: this counts as a BANG! but it may only be cancelled by 2 Missed! cards.
When there is Sniper in play how does Slab the Killer attack in this round?Slab the Killer (4 life points): players trying to cancel his BANG! cards need to play 2 Missed! cards. The Barrel effect, if successfully used, only counts as one Missed!.
I see 2 options:
1/Slab uses 2 Bang cards and the opponent needs a total of 4 Missed (or cards with the same effect, i.e. succesful Barrel, green Missed-like cards) in order to avoid the loss of 2 life points.
2/Slab uses 2 Bang cards and the opponent needs only a total of 2 Missed (or cards with the same effect, i.e. succesful Barrel, green Missed-like cards) in order to avoid the loss of 2 life points. This is because Sniper constitutes a new type of attack which counts as a BANG! - and you only need 2 Missed to avoid Slab's BANG!.
Which one is considered to be right according to the rules? Or is there a 3rd option?
I, personally, consider the 2nd option to be the right one.
Thank you for your insights.